Thursday, October 28, 2010

I’m thinking about you… by Nompilo Ncube

I’m thinking about you right now
And about what you said

The thoughts keep turning to

A fireplace, a rug and rose flavoured cocoa

Just me and you

Conversing about our world

With our hearts, maybe allowing our bodies to intertwine

I wanted to tell you something

But words failed me

You see sometimes articulation squeezes the moment out of a dream

Is it too soon?

My heart freezes at the wisdom that comes with a broken heart

Will you feel the same in a few weeks?

Will you say the same things in a few months?

But you see I know the answer that’ll come out of your lips

But I want the answer that only time can tell

And so patiently I wait

Ignoring the protests that my heart cannot survive another negligent stranger

Only in allowing myself to feel irrationally what I feel for you

Can I know with certainty if it’s you that I write letters to

God blessed me with wisdom to live life abundantly

And so my wisdom leads me to explore and live with no regrets

In every decision is a step closer to my dream

In every reckless step is the knowledge that I’m recklessly careful

And so in the knowledge that everything I do is of my own will

I hope you value that I value you

Time is no factor in the equation

If it were our lives would be meaningless in the eyes of our creator

For in seconds our lives come and go before Him

But He holds us in the highest of esteem

So in the seconds that I’ve known you

I hold you dear

Hope for the best and will n ever prepare for the worst

For in that preparation is a nightmare

Right now I’m dreaming

I’m thinking about you right now

And about what you said

The thoughts keep turning to

A fireplace, a rug and rose flavoured cocoa

Just me and you

Conversing about our world

With our hearts, maybe allowing our bodies to intertwine

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