Friday, February 10, 2012

In the Shoes Of Nakedness by Wadzanai Chiuriri

It all happened fast, real quick
But over the years I have embraced it -slowly-
I have remembered each detail more accurately
Articulately fashioned it into words to let it out--
First he undressed me, each item one by one
Slit open into my safety
And tore through the garment of my pride
Meticulously - he unbuttoned my dignity
To expose my flesh for his vulture-like devouring
"How could something so fearfully and wonderfully
Knowingly, willingly and intentionally instil such
terror in me?
I was naked -bare- yet he could not see-
That my very sacredness had been exposed.
He "kissed" me, like he was thirsty
Like his body yearned for nothing more than my
body; my temple
He was willing to crush out my spirit
Suck out my memories
Destroy the "me" I'd known for so long -All for this
Then like an army of a thousand men stampeding
through a narrow cave opening fleeing from a fire
with swords and shields in hands yet helpless- my
heart was confused.
And yet his had an extra dose of determination
To thrush out the last fight in me!
Like daggers carefully manoeuvring into my
flesh...his words whispered in my frail ears were
Sounded like the devil's minions -
Cutting right through to my soul's melody's
I might have encountered the devil in this beautiful
creature- in fact I did
I wanted to pray-
But the moment I pictured the fine text from the
biblical press it was obscured
I saw the walls of Jericho tenfold crumbling to dust
choking me leaving me unable to speak- unable to
Perhaps my prayer in that moment
Could have been from Amos or Job or Romans -I
don't know
But I couldn't pray.
So I took a gulp of whatever fluid was in my mouth
A few drops of my tears mixed with my saliva
And the unforgettable taste of his tongue which he
kept plunging in and out of my mouth
Like my mouth was an opening to a coconut or a
yogurt container and his task was to ensure all the
contents were consumed.
He touched my body
Creasing my dear skin
It felt like his fingers were tapping into my soul
Playing scrabble with emotions
I was weak
He attacked me and enjoyed it
Like a toy he'd made for himself
Then he left me
He dropped me like the yogurt container no more
sweet. No more useful
But his breath remains in my mind and his body
forever heavy on my heart.
So I say lock him up- as he did me.

1 comment:

jacobius said...

An excellent piece of poetry and marvelous word play!! This is awesome
