Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Power of Creativity by Soneni Gwizi

Today I celebrate an achievement of
Young dynamic and energetic gifted people
Persons that the world had no hope for
They all have unique stories to share with the world
In their struggles, chaos and storms of life
They have chosen to light their candles
And make a difference in this dark world
The candles of music and drama, they have lit so bright!
The world is recognizing their gifts
Humming their music across the globe
Who would have thought! Or Imagined?
A band that is made out of the outcast in society!
A band that faces stigma and discrimination
You look at the deformed bodies and wheelchairs
Missing the point and power of creativity!
A band that has chosen to look deep within their gifts where the treasure is!
The treasure in their voices and ability to create music
Congratulation! Amhlope! Makorokoto!
I celebrate with K.G.VI for giving birth to such talent
You have been an excellent mother,
A mentor!
Your children have done us proud
Liyana band and Prudence!
You are the proud winners of an Oscar 2010
As your name says it
Liyana, Reign, Liyana
The sky is the limit!

(A dedication to Liyana band an amazing group of talented disabled persons who won the first Oscars in USA in March 2010)   


Anonymous said...

good poetry.

nigel kats said...

Very good
